Thursday 21 February 2013

Draft Article

Exclusive interview with the new king of indie Julian Clarke.

Q. Hi Julian how are you today?

A. Pretty good thanks, quite tired, haven’t had much sleep after last night’s show.

Q. How is the tour going?

A. Yeah the tour is going great! Working with a bunch of brilliant musicians and playing some top class venues, it’s a lot of fun.

Q. How are you dealing with the fame and always being at the center of attention?

A. It’s going alright, a lot better than I thought it was going to be. The only thing that’s really changed is I now have a sh#t load of money in the bank and I get to play in front of thousands of people every night  not a bad life really!

Q. Did you ever think you would become this successful? Or was it a big surprise to you?

A. I was just playing music for fun in my bedroom.I didn't think this would ever happen, I mean iI was told I was good, all my mates seemed to love my tunes but it was never really the thing that I wanted to do as my job. I always wanted to be a painter and decorator.

Q. How do you go about writing these songs? you must have a    special secret, you can’t seem to write one that isn't top class!

A. hahaa! There’s not secret, I      usually just come up with a vocal melody in my head and then just note some lyrical ideas down  somewhere and try and come up with some catchy guitar riffs. Its nothing special really. I take a lot of influence from bands like Franz Ferdinand and The Libertines, they’re both very riff heavy and this comes out in my sound very clearly.

Q. Thanks for talking to us today Julian and everyone here at the roller wishes you the very best for the rest of your tour and all of your future music adventures, hope to see you again soon!

A. Thanks for having me in, it was a pleasure to speak to you!

1 comment:

  1. Dillon, this article is far too short. You need to aim for 1000 words. That way you will have enough text to adequately fit the space.

    Look at real articles for help.
