Thursday 31 January 2013

Audience Profile

Audience profile

The sort of people that would be interested in my magazine would be people that are fans of bands like The Vaccines, Franz Ferdinand and indie music in general. They don't have to be 'hipsters' or people like that, just people that are interested in the genre of music that these bands fall under, indie rock.

I also think that fans of major music magazine NME would be interested in my magazine because it offers the same sorts of topics, bands and articles to read about so they would be interested in buying it I think.


Artist Profile

Artist Profile

Artist Name - Julian Clarke

Music Style - Indie Rock/Alternative 

Influences - Vaccines, Wombats, Radiohead, Franz Ferdinand

 Harry Julian - Lead Vocals and Guitars (Liam Gallagher/Tom Clarke style)

Cover - Picture of vocalist on cover - wearing a leather or denim jacket - sunglasses (John Lennon style) - Possibly holding a guitar

Evaluation Of Class Feedback

Class Feedback Evaluation

After presenting my pitch about my proposed magazine I decided that I should drop the britpop aspect of the magazine and go for just the Indie rock type genre. I decided to change the genre because after presenting the pitch i was rightly told that as the genre of britpop is dead and the music scene has moved on it might be wise not to do it as no one would be interested in the britpop aspect of the magazine.

After thinking about the colours more I have decided to change the colour scheme of the magazine from blue, white and red to red white and black. I have chosen to do this as I think that these colours work better together than the ones I proposed before and again will get rid of the britpop angle from the magazine.

I think that my magazine will be a similar sort of style to that of NME and will cover similar stories, styles and genres. 

Contents Analysis

NME Contents Analysis

The title on this page is very big and describes perfectly what the page is explaining and is very bold and eye catching. The page shows 8 photos that all have a caption next to them, this works well as it explains what is going on in different parts of the magazine, this is a feature that I like as it is better than just having a list that shows what is going on. A lot of different texts are used on the page, although there is not one reoccurring font i think this works well because it keeps you entertained and wanting to read it because it looks different to what you have read before. The page layout is quite full, in this case i think that it works well in this example and looks good, but in some cases it can make the page look cluttered. There is not a lot of colour used on this page, only the pictures are in colour, I think this works well as it keeps in simple and stripped down, but also can look a bit plain and boring in some cases, but I think that in this instance it works well and looks good.

MOJO Contents Analysis

This contents has a very clear title but instead of saying 'contents' or something similar to that is just says the title of the magazine again. This is neither an advantage or disadvantage as it is clear that the page in question in the contents as it has page numbers and says things about articles in the magazine. There is only one image on the page and it is in black and white. I think that this works very well as it allows the text that is coloured in red to stand out boldly next to the black text. The picture is also focused in on the face so you can see the person but the background is blurred, this works well as it seems to add layers and levels to the page. The fact that the text is only in two colours, black and red, makes the parts of text that are in red stand out very well, i likt this feature a lot. The layout of the page is very open and there is a lot of space on the page with no text on to allow the image to be shown through and the part of the image that is in focus has not text on it or really near to it so that it is able to be seen and becomes one of the main parts of the page and one of the first things you see when you look at the page and all of the different features on it.

Rolling Stone Contents Analysis

The Title on this page is quite small but it still stands out from the rest as it is coloured in white against a red background, this works well although I do think it could be a little bit larger. I think that having the 3 images on the left side of the page works well they are all large and clear and show what is happening in the magazine and could make people want to read on after seeing a picture of their favorite artist or topic. The images also have numbers on them referring to what page that the article connected to the picture is on. The colour scheme for this page is red, white and black, I think that this works well as the white background let the red and black text stand out from the page and make it easily readable. The layout of the page is quite full and the text is reasonably small, I think it would have worked better if the text was larger so that it can be read easier. I think that the red and black text work well as any text that is coloured in red stands out from the rest. This makes it easier to see the text and also identifies important bits of information about key things going on in the magazine.     

Analysis of Publishing Company

IPC Media are a British publishing company founded in 1958 that publish a range of books magazines and newspapers to international audiences. They sell over 350 million copies a year of their products. IPC now publish around 60 magazines including NME, Woman, Golf monthly and Country Life. They have made available online versions of their magazines and have a grosses of over 25 million views per month. 

The most famous magazine that they publish is the music magazine NME, it has a massive world audience and has a total circulation of around 23, 924 copies sold per week.

I think that IPC would be a good company to publish my magazine 'The Roller' because it has a similar sort of style to NME and would work very well alongside it offering more of an insight into just the indie rock side of modern music.   

Magazine title

For the title of my magazine i have chosen the title of 'The Roller'. I have chosen this because it sounds effective and works with the Indie type genre. It is also the title of a song by the Indie/rock and roll band Beady Eye. I am going to write the title across the top of the cover and have it in a big and bold font to draw attention to it, it will be in plain black colouring so that it stands out from the background of the page. These are my ideas for the fonts that i will be using for the title on the front cover of the magazine.


Tuesday 22 January 2013

Magazine Cover Analysis (Q, MOJO, NME)

Q Magazine Cover Analysis

One of the first things that I noticed about this cover is that the main headline, that is placed in the top right hand corner of the page is not as large as you would have expected it to be and doesn't grab the attention of the reader as much as if it were bigger and bolder. The title of the magazine 'Q' is located in the top left hand corner of the page, this is coloured in red and because of this stands out from the grey, white and black colours that are predominantly used on the cover of this issue. The main thing that you notice first when looking at the cover is the image of Oasis guitarist and songwriter Noel Gallagher that is placed almost covering the whole of the white background of the page. Even though it is in black and white it stands out from the rest of the page and draws you into looking at it closer. The black and white also emphasises the details of his face and his expression which is very serious. The way the page is layed out is very open, the image dominating the cover with small text in the corners of the page showing what else is included inside the magazine. The colour scheme of the magazine cover is black, white and grey. This scheme makes the red text stand out a lot from the other colours on the cover and puts emphasis on them. I would say that the target audience for this magazine would be fans of soft rock music and especially for this issue fans of Oasis because of the main article being about the band.

MOJO Magazine Cover Analysis

When looking at the cover of the magazine the first thing that i noticed about it was the colour scheme, which is white, white, green and black. this colour scheme works very well and makes all of the text that is in green such as the headline stand out very well against the black and white background. The actual title of the magazine 'MOJO' is coloured in white and is set in the mid-ground of the cover which works well, it is not the first thing that your eyes go to which is the image of the band 'Kings Of Leon' but the second thing, this draws people in with the image and then people see what magazine they are looking at. The main image of the band is in black and white, even though it has no colour it draws attention to it and attracts people in. The layout is quite cluttered as there is a lot of text on the cover, but not so cluttered that nothing is clear. Just the right amount of space has been left between the sections of text to allow there to be space on the cover for the majority of the picture to come through on the page and allow people to see it in its entirety. I think that the target audience of this magazine would mainly be young fans of classic rock and music of other genres and also for this particular issue, fans of the band on the cover as there is a big section about them included in the magazine.  

NME Magazine Cover Analysis 

The title on the cover of this magazine is situated in the top left hand corner of the page and is coloured in white, this stands out reasonably well against the background but not as well as it could with a colour such as black. The colour scheme of the magazine is red, white and yellow. These colours work well together and allow the image to stand out from the background not take all the attention from the image. The main images take up the whole of the background and works well as each member of the band have their own corner on the cover and lets their own individual personalities and looks to be shown freely without other people standing with them. The colours of the text work very well as they contrast from each other and show up well against the background images. The layout of the magazine is quite cluttered but still allows space for the images of the band to be seen in the background of the cover page. I think this layout works well but i do think that if it was a little less cluttered it would work much better. The magazine's target audience is young people and for this issue especially fans of the Vaccines as they are on the front cover and this would appeal to them.

Mood Board

Mood Board by